We pleasingly offer you skin, beauty, hair, makeup and nail art services which not only enhance your outer beauty but make you feel confident from inside. Our massage sessions help you relax, detoxify and stimulate your body. With an array of brands in our bucket, we strive to deliver an enriching experience and high customer satisfaction at the same time.

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Opening hours

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Tress Lounge Sector – 17, Chandigarh

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leave your message below or email us at
Tress Lounge Sector – 17, Chandigarh

    Our Salons

    Tress Lounge offers a whole range of 'Hair & Beauty' Services to make you look just
    the way you want. Oozing with the top rate services and products, it has become a
    preferred choice of the people of this region.

    Services Locations


    Shop redesigned and reformulated hair care products of kerastase

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    Our Work